Spring Theme - Toy Rotation Inspiration

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Multiple studies have shown that having access to fewer toys through toy rotation benefits children tremendously! It encourages more creative and imaginative play and can increase a child’s attention span. It allows children the opportunity to really explore the toys in front of them, discover all their uses, and then create more.

We try and do toddler toy rotations every few weeks for our kids. To keep it a little more fun and interesting, for us and our boys, we like to try out different toy rotation themes or toy rotation categories. We use these toy themes for a loose basis of the toys, puzzles and books we pull out.

Below, we’re sharing our SPRING toy rotation theme and the items we put out so that you can use this for inspiration in your weekly rotations too! Explore more of our toy rotation themes on this post

Spring / Easter

Easter Eggs from Dollar Tree

White Board and Melissa & Doug Animal Magnets

This specific one is from the Target dollar spot, but here is a comparable Mini Marble Run


Counting Our Blessings

I Love You Personalized Kids Book

The Tale of Peter Rabbit

The Runaway Bunny

See more of our Easter book picks here!


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