What Actually Comes in The Amazon Baby Registry Welcome Box

I remember how excited I was to create my Amazon baby registry when I found out I was pregnant with R. There is something about picking out and buying your first baby items that makes you think “holy cow, this is real.” When I started going through websites that offer registry options, I noticed that many of them provide a free baby registry box. I thought that was the neatest thing. What’s better than getting baby products? Getting FREE baby products.

Looking at all of the free baby registry box options, I noticed that they would frequently give a list of the kinds of items you’d get in your box. That was great, but I really wanted to see some real life examples of what actually came in those free baby registry boxes. Going through them when they’d arrive at my house was fun but I definitely found some items more practical and useful than others.

This pregnancy, I knew there would be people like me out there who wanted to see what a box REALLY looks like, so I’m here to share with you what came in my baby registry boxes. First up - the Amazon Baby Registry Welcome Box!

Disclaimer: this post may contain affiliate links from various sites, including Amazon. As a member of the Amazon associates program, we earn a small amount from qualifying purchases when you use our referral link. This does not add any additional cost to you and helps with the expenses of keeping in Life and Littles up and running.

The Amazon baby registry box had a mix of full size and sample size items within it. It also included a few random coupons. Below, I’m recapping each of the full sized items and sample sized items that came in this box, how you can get the Amazon baby registry welcome box for yourself, and if we think it’s worth it!

Full Sized Items

  • Carter’s Gender Neutral Onesie

  • Newborn Muslin Swaddle

  • Dr. Brown Anti-Colic Bottle + Pacifier (disclaimer: the bottles are in the full picture above, but I don’t have individual photos because I had already given them to Emily to use with Rea!)

Sample Sized Items

  • Clif Thins Snack

  • Smarty Pants Prenatal

  • Triple Paste Diaper Rash Cream

  • Gripe Water

  • Aquaphor

  • Cetaphil Baby Wash / Shampoo

  • Johnson’s Newborn Wash / Shampoo

How to Get the Amazon Baby Registry Welcome Box

Each registry has different requirements as to how you can qualify for the free baby registry box. For Amazon, you have to meet the following requirements.

  1. Have an active Amazon Prime membership

  2. Create a Baby Registry and complete 60% of the checklist. - Even if you have some of these items, or don’t need them, add them to get you to the threshold to qualify and then delete them off it!)

  3. Have $10+ in purchases made from your registry. You can wait for someone else to do this or you can do it yourself. For me, I purchased a $10 formula mixing pitcher (because I KNOW we will need it for this kiddo) so I could get the registry box sooner.

Note: You can do this with each pregnancy as long as you create a new list, get it 60% completed and order $10 off the registry. You have to wait 8 months between welcome box redemptions to be able do this.

Is this box worth it? ABSOLUTELY. Seriously, am I really asking this question? For me, the swaddle and onesie alone are worth the $10 I spent out of my own pocket on an item I knew I’d need anyways. Plus, the sample sized products are great to have to keep on hand in the diaper bag!

Unveiling the contents of the free Amazon baby registry box | Amazon baby registry box contents | #AmazonBabyRegistry #FreeBabyBox #BabyRegistryEssentials
Unveiling the contents of the free Amazon baby registry box | Amazon baby registry box contents | #AmazonBabyRegistry #FreeBabyBox #BabyRegistryEssentials
Unveiling the contents of the free Amazon baby registry box | Amazon baby registry box contents | #AmazonBabyRegistry #FreeBabyBox #BabyRegistryEssentials


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