Working Out with a Baby - Stroller Stretch

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As the weather gets warmer I know I have had the itch to get outside as much as possible. I am very fortunate that Kalamazoo has an abundance of safe, clean, paved walking trails that I take full advantage of. My son loves being in his stroller! For the time being, he is still rear facing and I love soaking up our special time together as I watch him take in his surroundings. While stroller walks are an awesome way for you and baby to bond, you can also take some time for self care during your walk! I am a big believer in the saying “you can’t pour from an empty cup.” Whether it’s a warm up before your walk, a break in the middle, or a cool down at the end, take 5 minutes for yourself to stretch, breath and take care of you!

Hip and Glute Stretch

Standing behind the stroller, place the breaks on and hold the handles with both hands. Cross one calf over the top of your opposite thigh, creating a figure 4 shape and carefully sit back. Hold for 20-30 seconds, then switch sides.

Hamstring Stretch

Hold the handle with one hand and turn your body towards the wheel. Place one of your heels on top of a wheel and rest the same hand on top of your thigh. Lean your chest forward and press your hips back until you feel a stretch along the back of your thigh. Hold for 20-30 seconds then switch sides.

Calf Stretch

Place one or both hands on the handle. Flex your foot and place your toe against one wheel with your heel on the ground. Keeping a straight back lean your body forward until you feel a stretch in your calf muscle. Hold for 20-30, then switch sides.

Quad Stretch

Place one hand on the handle for balance. Bend the opposite knee, bringing your heel towards your butt. Using the same hand as the bent knee, grab your ankle and pull your heel closer to your butt until you feel a stretch across the front of your thigh. Be sure to keep your knees close together for added stretch. Hold for 20-30, then switch sides.

Shoulder Stretch

Place both hands on the handle and step backwards so that your arms are completely straight. Walk your feet shoulder width apart and with both hands still on the handle bend forward at the waist, allowing your head to hang between your arms. Press down through your shoulders until you feel a gentle stretch across the top of your shoulders. Hold for 20-30 seconds, rest and repeat.

Chest Stretch

Place your right hand on the handle. Slowly rotate your full body away from the stroller, opening up your chest until you are facing the opposite way. You should feel a gentle stretch across the front of your chest and shoulder. Hold for 20-30, then switch sides.


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