Working Out with a Baby - Back Exercises

I touched on the importance of upper back strength in my recent working out with a baby post targeting chest and arms. Building upper back strength helps improve posture and decrease upper back and neck pain that plague new Moms who are constantly hunched forward feeding baby.

Working out with a baby isn’t easy, but it can be done! Here are two exercises that can be done while incorporating your baby into the movement! Once you have been cleared for exercise by your doctor try these.

Car Seat Rows

Rows are a fantastic exercise to strengthen the muscles between the shoulder blades that help you stand up straight and provide additional support for the extra chest weight that women gain in their breasts during pregnancy. I always make an effort to suggest workouts that don’t require extra equipment, but because the upper back muscles are such large muscles, to really target them requires weight. Luckily a car seat and a baby make perfect equipment for this exercise.

With baby secured in the car seat, place the car seat next to a chair. Place one knee on the chair and bend forward at the waist placing the same hand on the chair. With the opposite hand grab the handle of the car seat and bend the elbow lifting the car seat. Continue pulling your elbow back, keeping it close to your body. You should be able to feel your shoulder blades squeeze together. Extend your arm back out to lower the car seat and then repeat. If your little one is anything like mine this gentle rocking motion may put them right to sleep!

Superman Peek-a-boo

I don’t know any woman who didn’t experience some level of lower back pain during their pregnancy. Supporting the additional weight of a growing belly puts pressure on all of the muscles in the lower back and those muscles need strengthening postpartum.

The superman exercise is a simple but effective exercise that requires no equipment. Simply lay on your stomach with your arms extended overhead. Simultaneously lift your upper body and lower body 1-2 inches off the floor and hold for one second before lowering. This is a great exercise to work on while your baby is working on tummy time. Baby will love having you on their level during tummy time and every time you raise up and lower you can play a game of peek a boo with your little one.


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