Postpartum Must Haves for an Easier Recovery

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Our baby girl has finally arrived! Ms. Rea made her debut 3 weeks early, just like her brother, and for the last month we have been happily adjusting to the blissful chaos of being a family of four. While having her home with us is incredible, I forgot just how difficult the postpartum period is. Not only am I doing my best to feed and care for this tiny new human, but I am also chasing around a toddler and trying to allow my body to get adequate rest to recover. It is a lot! People say nothing can prepare you for the transition from one child to two, and I would agree, but there are absolutely some items that help manage the madness and make my life a lot easier during postpartum.

Whether you’re due with your first baby or have already delivered and are looking for some tips to help navigate postpartum life, here are my tips and tricks for survival. Below, I’m listing my top postpartum must haves. These are essentials to helping ease the process of recovery and caring for two kids.

P.S. You can shop the items on this list by clicking their names or visiting our Amazon Idea List directly
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Personal Postpartum Essentials

I developed gestational hypertension during both my pregnancies and had to be induced at 37 weeks. My first induction was a fairly quick and easy process (thank goodness!) and my OB had warned me that the second labor would likely move even quicker. She was not wrong! From induction to delivery, my entire labor only lasted 11 hours and I only had to push three times before baby girl came rushing into the world. Even though my delivery was easier this time around it still took a major toll on my body, moreso than with my son. I had minimal tearing due to minimal pushing, but still struggled for two weeks with pain and felt like it took forever to feel mostly "normal." While I still feel like my recovery is a work in process, three and a half weeks in I am begining to feel more like myself. Here are some of the things that helped me in my recovery:

  • Frida Mom Padsicles - these are by far my favorite Frida Mom Pospartum item and 100% a postpartum essential in my book. These ice packs are absorbent so you don't have to worry about bleeding and they do a great job at providing cooling relief for any pain.
  • Lansinoh Sitz Bath Salts - Another favorite postpartum brand! One of the hardest things for me to do during the first few weeks with a newborn was taking time for myself and allowing my body the time it needed to heal. Using these sitz bath salts helped with the process of healing for my stitches, but also gave me an excuse to draw a bath and take some "me time." Full disclaimer: I used all mine, but Katie had some at home still so we used her photo een though it's a different brand. She loves this one for everyday use!
  • Tucks Pads - Most hospitals provide these while you're there, but I definitely recommend having some on hand for recovery at home. Witch hazel pads like these can help ease perineal pain. I used them pretty much every time I went to the bathroom, but you can also place along the inside of a pad for relief while you relax.

Postpartum Nursing Essentials

If you read my previous post about my hospital bag packing list then some of these items will look familiar. With my son I was able to nurse for 12 months and that is my goal with my daughter. With that being said, nursing while managing a toddler is not an easy feat. These are my go-to items for any Mama who is breast feeding.

  • Boppy Pillow - this is one of the most popular nursing pillows on the market. I have tried both the boppy and the my breast friend feeding pillow and in my opionion the boppy is the most ergonomic and allows for me to have one hand free while i'm nursing. This is key for entertaining (reading, building legos etc) my toddler while I'm feeding the baby.
  • Stanley Adventure Quencher Tumbler - Staying hydrated is one of the keys to keeping up your supply and preventing yourself from feeling run down. This cup is 40 oz which decreases my trips to refill my cup and keeps me hydrated all day!
  • Haaka Breast Pump - I am very fortunate that I over produce when it comes to breast milk. When I would nurse my son I would use a burp cloth to help collect the milk that would drip on the opposite side I was nursing. A lactation consultant suggested the Haaka Pump to me to collect this extra milk and it has been a life saver. This pump uses suction so I can attatch it to the opposite breast while I nurse. It keeps me dry and allows me to collect extra ounces of milk for my freezer stash. This pump also comes in clutch on the go as it is manual and can be used anywhere!
  • Earth Mama Nipple Butter - Breastfeeding can take its toll in more ways than one, but man does it takes its toll on your nipples. This is by far my favorite nipple butter/cream to use to help with cracking and dried nipples. I like this one for the relief it provides and a bonus that it is plant based, paraben free and organic.

Postpartum Baby Essentials

Did I mention that life has gotten a little more hectic since adding a second baby into the mix?! Not to mention that as of right now we have "two under two." I thought I was good at multitasking before, but now that I have two little ones I have had to become a master at multitasking. I have had to learn how to make dinner while carrying a newborn and keeping an eye on a toddler, and change a diaper while building a lego tower. Here are three items that have helped make that possible.

  • Diaper Caddy - When my son was a newborn, I felt like I needed to change him on his changing pad in his nursery where I had my diapers, wipes, diaper rash cream all with in reach. When my daughter was born I knew that wouldn't fly. There is no time to head to the nursey every time she needs a diaper change. I bought a beautiful diaper caddy that holds everything I need and travels from room to room with me so I am prepared for a diaper change no matter where we are in the house. This has been such a time and energy saver!
  • Moby Wrap - Newborn snuggles are my absolute favorite and as much I would love to spend all day on the couch snuggling the baby, I have to do laundry, go grocery shopping, and make dinner. The Moby is my favorite way to wear the baby so I still can enjoy snuggles while having my hands free to get things done. It's the best of both worlds! I love this wrap so much I did a review on it when I had E, but its come in even more handy this time around
  • SNOO - Everyone tells new Moms "you should be sleeping if the baby is sleeping." Well, when you have a toddler that becomes almost impossible, so sleeping as much as possible at night is essential. We used the SNOO with our son and had a great experience. I was worried when my daughter was born that maybe my son was just a good sleeper and that we may have a tougher time with her. So far the SNOO has been worth its weight in gold once again! It has proven to help both of my kids fall asleep and stay asleep longer, which has been the key to helping me maintain my sanity.

The “fourth trimester” is such an exhausting, trying, and exciting time. This is the time that you get to know your sweet newborn, but you’re on a hormonal rollercoaster, you’re sleep-deprived, and your body is trying to recover. I hope that some of these items help make your postpartum experience even slightly easier, but I’m sure there are things that I am missing. What are your postpartum essentials?

Enjoy those new baby snuggles!


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